In the days when everybody learned the collect of the day and the catechism the three enemies of mankind were clear: the world, the flesh and the devil. The world was wicked and impregnated with pomps and vanity. The flesh was shot through with sinful lusts. The devil managed to conceal his activities but a vague reference to all his works suggested that he worked on a broad front.
Now we know better. We see that we were mistaken about our old enemies. We have befriended the world and derive delight from its colour and tumultuous energy. We have rebranded sinful lusts as endless and deeply satisfying pastimes. As for the devil, we are thankful that our generation has grown out of the shallow acceptance that saw our environment as an arena where good and evil engaged in sterile conflict.
In fact we know so much better that we have changed the terms of human existence. We are no longer infantile; we are adult. Or at least, juvenile. We are getting there.
So. having seen the error of our ways and freed ourselves from warped and distorted views of our place in the scheme of things, we are able to advance to the kind of society and the kind of fulfilment that have been denied to human kind for generations.
We are now where we should be. And anybody who denies this should be sent to a re-training school where the truth is instilled in dissenters. Go-ahead nation-states have come to see this and there is every prospect that the world will be a better place as a result.
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