Dogs? We love them. Spotted (Dalmatians), huge (Great Danes), brindled (terriers), unprepossessing (lurchers). We walk them, listen to them (yelping, growling, barking), make signals to them (picking up a lead), steer them away from onions. They bestow on us soulful looks (when they want something).
It is no wonder, then, that the most famous 19th century theologian, Friedrich Schleiermacher, proposed the ‘felt dependence’ of the dog as the starting point of his understanding of the Christian religion. Hegel took up this assertion and said that ‘if the feeling of absolute dependence be the core of religion, then of all creatures the most religious is the dog, whose sense of dependence on his master is unqualified.’
Schleiermacher was a man of original thought and readable to boot but he was out on a limb when he said this. Of the dog’s dependence there can be little doubt but the Scriptures go beyond that. And so should we.
In the baldest terms we cannot expect a dog to lead humans in belief about God. What a little child can do for us unconsciously is another matter (Psalm 8.2). A lost sense of wonder is the price for becoming adult and that is a serious loss.
So much for dogs. Cats are different. We talk about herding cats and know that we are on a loser as far as that goes. Cats assume a divine identity. They look down on mortal humans and keep their lives as private as possible. They condescend to eat the meals we place in front of them and they may purr to show their contentment but in their eyes humans are privileged to have these duties.
There has been no theologian to add lustre to cat-hood. St Francis loved animals and flowers. Some pet-owners expect to see their furry friends in the many mansions. But cats are not man’s best friend. The big cats – lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars – with their sabre-like teeth and retractable claws – are dangerous. The small cats pose dangers for mice and grounded birds.
With dogs in their kennels and cats ruling the household, we can go about our duties as humans with some peace of mind. And remember. Dogs and cats may well have been in the mind of God in the first place.
As Area Rector Margaret Sherwin leads a srong ministry team in St Mary’s and the other churches belonging to the Uttoxeter team. Uttoxeter is perhaps best known for its race-course. St Mary’s is a 14th century building that has had many rebuilds over the centuries. The church website has two notable features – ‘Our faith’, a statement of belief, and a picture with cv of each team member.
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