Her Majesty’s Government is alarmed about religion. So much so that it is investigating how best faith in all its forms can understand and play its part in our national life. HMG has given Colin Bloom the task as faith engagement adviser to conduct the investigation. For this stupendous task Mr Bloom is seeking evidence. Such are the constitutional and philosophical implications of this question that he must find himself not unlike Sisyphus setting about rolling his stone uphill.
To mention just one of the underpinning assumptions to be contended with, we have our history as a nation to consider. For good or for ill we in England have an Established Church. This may be a shadow of what it once was but it colours the shape of our national life. It is the default position. It enshrines our national commitment to the Christian faith. And that puts us at odds with the notion of a level playing field on which all religious communities are equal. Regrettable though this may seem to many nowadays, it is a factor that can hardly be ignored.
Conformity – and its mirror-image nonconformity – is part of our make-up. As well as conferring responsibility and privilege, it also throws up problems. A principle of conformity encourages inertia rather than enthusiasm. Enthusiasts find themselves at odds with conformists. Individual commitment to a faith is embarrassed by what it sees as a nominal attachment. There are distinctions here that are far from glaringly obvious.
A likely outcome of a government inquiring into the benefits and disadvantages of faith is a move in the direction of regulation. Other countries have ministries of religious affairs to which Churches are subject.
Mr Bloom has a daunting task. Churches, temples, synagogues and mosques and their accompanying vicars, imams, priests and rabbis may well be able to bask in the limelight as their contribution to society is examined. But a long spoon is also in order.
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